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A Full and Simple Guide to Removing Turmeric Stains at Home

May 6, 2023
A Full and Simple Guide to Removing Turmeric Stains at Home

With their bright orange pigment, turmeric stains are often stubborn to remove on many different things.

Among them are clothes, dishes, glasses, and kitchen countertops as well as hands and nails.

But, fortunately, that’s what this guide is for. Here, we will teach you how to take out tough turmeric stains step by step and answer some common questions!

Is it hard to remove turmeric stains?

Is it hard to remove turmeric stains

Turmeric stains on clothing or surfaces can be hard to remove if you don’t know what to use to clean them.

But if you know the right cleaner and how to use it correctly, then turmeric stains, despite their stubborn pigmentation and distinct odor, are a no-brainer to deal with.

Why does turmeric stain so much?

Why does turmeric stain so much

Turmeric powder usually leaves heavy stains on a fabric or surface because it has a bit of oil, and this oil can easily seep into the fabric or surface.

Thus, using water-soluble cleaners doesn’t seem to fully work on turmeric stains. Usually, a more potent solution of dish liquid, vinegar, or lemon juice can get this job done.

What will you need to remove turmeric stains?

What will you need to remove turmeric stains

Here are the materials you’ll need to gather to remove turmeric stains:

  • A clean cloth
  • A sponge or Magic Eraser
  • A soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush
  • A bowl, saucepan, or small plastic container
  • A face mask (if you’re using bleach)
  • A pair of gloves (if you’re using bleach)
  • A cleaning solution (pick one or two below)
  • Rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer
  • White toothpaste
  • Soap and warm water
  • Baking soda and water
  • Baking soda, water, vinegar, or lemon juice
  • Bleach and water
  • White vinegar, warm water, and dish soap

How do I remove turmeric stains from items?

How do I remove turmeric stains from items

Generally, turmeric stains can be removed by using rubbing alcohol, which can break up strong coloration and loosen and remove the stains.

Using a soft towel or cloth, blot out the stain so the alcohol will work into the fabric. Scrub the fabric with a soft brush, and then soak the item in water for about 10 minutes.

But for a stronger stain removal effect, apply a bit of laundry soap on the stain before dabbing the orange patch with alcohol.

How to Remove Turmeric Stains from Clothes and Fabrics

Follow the steps below to clean turmeric stains from light or bright-colored clothes or fabrics:

For Bright-Colored Clothes and Fabrics

For Bright-Colored Clothes and Fabrics
  1. Remove loose turmeric powder
  2. Apply rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or laundry soap
  3. Wash the fabric
  4. Let it dry

1) Remove loose turmeric powder

The first step in cleaning turmeric stains from a garment is to remove loose turmeric powder and food remains with a clean cloth or spoon.

Do not directly use a cleaning solution to scrub the bright stain away. This will only spread it and make it harder to remove.

Now, carefully rinse the spotted area with water, and blot it with a towel so the surface turmeric and moisture can be taken out, thus, minimizing the stain’s intensity.

2) Apply rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or laundry soap

Apply rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or laundry soap

Next, you must pre-treat the turmeric stain with rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or laundry soap. 

These are effective cleaners because they can soften the stubborn pigment’s hold on the fabric.

You need only apply a small but ample amount on the stain, dab it with a towel, scrub it with a soft-bristled brush, and then submerge the fabric in water for 10 minutes.

3) Wash the fabric

Your fabric is now ready to be washed. Put it in the washer, set the cycle to cold (hot water can push the stains deeper), add a quality detergent, and then press start.

4) Let it dry

When the washer’s timer beeps, take out the piece of clothing and hang it dry inside the house. You can also put it in the drying machine if you prefer.

Keep in mind that colored garments should be kept away from the sun to prevent their colors from fading.

For White Clothes and Fabrics

For White Clothes and Fabrics
  1. Create a baking soda or bleach solution
  2. Apply the cleaning solution to the stain
  3. Wash it in a cold cycle
  4. Let it dry in the sun

1) Create a cleaning solution

Turmeric stains on white clothing or fabrics easily stand out compared to dark or colored ones.

Because of this, you need to create a fitting cleaning solution made of 2 parts baking soda and 1 part water or a few caps of bleach plus cold water.

What is better for turmeric stains: a bleach or baking soda cleaner?

Bleach and baking soda are very effective on turmeric stains. But baking soda paste is safer to use because it’s a natural solution, whereas bleach is a commercial cleaning product.

The advantage of baking soda is it’s abrasive and will dislodge the stains without damaging the fabric while also getting rid of the pungent turmeric odor.

On the other hand, a bleach and cold water solution is powerful enough to remove tough stains and grime on the fabric.

However, don’t forget to wear a face mask and gloves when diluting bleach with water to protect your lungs and skin from its fumes or splashes.

Also, we suggested using cold water for the bleach solution since hot water will nullify the active-cleaning agent of bleach.

2) Apply the cleaning solution to the stain

After making either one of the cleaning solutions mentioned in the last step, apply it to the stain on the garment with a clean cloth.

Dab the stain to remove the excess moisture, brush the stain gently until almost all of it disappears, and leave the clothing in water for 10 minutes.

3) Wash it in a cold cycle

Wash the clothing in cold water with laundry soap to completely remove all traces of turmeric stains.

4) Let it dry in the sun

Afterward, let the fabric dry under the sun. Hopefully, your clothing will be fresh and white again like new.

How to Clean Turmeric Stains from Dishes

How to Clean Turmeric Stains from Dishes

Here are the steps you need to take to remove turmeric stains from your dishes and glassware:

  1. Mix warm water, white vinegar, and dishwashing liquid
  2. Soak the dishes in the solution
  3. Rinse the dishes
  4. Scrub the stains again
  5. Clean the dishes in the dishwasher

1) Mix warm water, white vinegar, and dishwashing liquid

You need to combine 2 parts of warm water with 1 part of white vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid in a clean basin or kitchen sink. 

This is where you will be soaking the dishes in the next step to remove the turmeric stains.

2) Soak the dishes in the vinegar solution

Soak the dishes in the vinegar solution

Put the turmeric-stained dishes and mugs in this vinegar and soap solution, and leave them for 15 to 30 minutes.

3) Rinse the dishes

Get a soft sponge, use it to scrub the stains, and rinse the items thoroughly.

4) Scrub the stains again

If there are turmeric stains that remain, you can do another round of cleaning with dish soap and a sponge to get them out.

Using a Magic Eraser is also a brilliant idea since this is soft yet abrasive and can help remove more stains.

And for hard-to-reach areas of the dining items, a soft-bristled brush should help you tackle the stains.

5) Clean the dishes in the dishwasher

Rather than scrubbing the stained dishes, cups, or saucers manually with a brush or sponge, you can just run them in a dishwasher.

For a clean and bacteria-free result, load a dish soap that’s formulated to excellently remove stains such as Dawn or Joy, and run the appliance on hot water!

How to Clean Turmeric Stains from Countertops

How to Clean Turmeric Stains from Countertops

Now, here’s how you can take out turmeric stains on your precious kitchen countertops:

  1. Make a baking soda paste
  2. Apply the baking soda paste
  3. Scrub the stains
  4. Repeat the process

1) Make a baking soda paste

The kitchen countertop can turn orange or yellow if you accidentally spill turmeric powder or drink on it.

Fret not, though. You can get rid of the stains by making a baking soda paste consisting of 2 parts baking soda and 1 part water.

Simply mix these ingredients in a bowl or plastic container until a pasty substance is formed.

In addition, you can individually apply or combine vinegar or lemon juice with or over this paste to help combat the stains with their acidity.

As a bonus, lemon juice will also leave a refreshing aroma afterward.

Can I use vinegar or lemon juice to clean natural stone countertops?

Never use vinegar or lemon juice on natural stone countertops, such as marble, granite, quartzite, or travertine, because these can permanently corrode or scratch them.

Besides this fact, you have to be careful when rubbing out turmeric stains from the countertop.
Also, avoid stiff-bristled brushes, steel wools, and cleaning powders. Use only a soft-bristled brush to clean the stone slab.

2) Apply the baking soda paste

Subsequently, apply the baking soda paste on the turmeric stain with your finger or microfiber cloth.

Wait for 15 minutes to allow the baking soda paste to absorb turmeric pigment and scent.

3) Scrub out the stains

Scrub out the stains

Now, gently scrub the stained area of the countertop with a damp or wet cloth or a Magic Eraser to tackle the stubborn stains, and then rinse the surface.

Remember to not forcefully rub out the stains. Scrub lightly to prevent damaging or scratching the kitchen counter.

Having done these steps, the countertop should then be totally free from the hard-to-remove turmeric pigments.

4) Repeat the process

Just in case there are still stains on the countertop, simply repeat the process discussed above.

How to Remove Turmeric Stains from Nails and Skin

How to Remove Turmeric Stains from Nails and Skin

When peeling turmeric or drinking its juice, your nails and skin can become stained as well. So here’s how to remove them:

  1. Remove as much turmeric as possible
  2. Make a baking soda and lemon solution
  3. Dip nails in dish soap solution
  4. Wash your hands or skin

1) Remove as much turmeric as possible

Before any work is to be done, pour and rub alcohol on your turmeric-stained skin and nails to remove as much of the spice as possible.

Then use wet wipes to remove the turmeric marks on the table or area you’re working on before washing your hands with warm water and soap.

Doing this should partially clear your hands off the heavy orange coloring. This will get you ready for the steps to follow.

2) Make a baking soda and lemon solution

Mix baking soda with several drops of lemon juice in a bowl or saucepan. This creates a cleaning solution capable of removing the hardy turmeric stains.

To use it, take a small amount of this solution and rub it on or under your nails and skin. It should then take out the turmeric pigment from your skin.

3) Dip nails in dish soap solution

Dip nails in dish soap solution

Should the stains remain on your nails, you can try dipping them in a container with a citrus soap solution for 10 to 15 minutes. 

This citrus soap solution should consist of 1 part warm water and a few drops of lemon or orange liquid soap.

Plus, not only does citrus soap lift a variety of tough stains, but it also brightens the skin. 

4) Wash your hands or skin

Finally, wash your hands and skin again with soap and water. Afterward, take a dab of moisturizer and rub it onto your hands so they will feel soft.

What happens when turmeric stains are washed with soap?

Turmeric stains will become red if they’re washed with soap. 

The reason for this is that turmeric contains a substance called curcumin which changes its color when in contact with another substance of a different pH.

Since soap is basic in nature, using it on turmeric stains will turn them from bright yellow or orange to red.

Can toothpaste remove turmeric stains?

Can toothpaste remove turmeric stains

As most kinds of toothpaste contain baking soda, they are effective in removing turmeric stains. 

Baking soda draws out excess moisture before it dislodges the stains when rubbed against them with a cloth.

But you could also combine baking soda and bleach to form a paste for more cleaning impact. 

Because bleach will powerfully whiten a product, no orange or yellow pigments from turmeric can remain afterward.

How do I use toothpaste to get rid of turmeric stains?

To get rid of turmeric stains using toothpaste, just take a small amount with your index finger and coat the turmeric stain with it. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing the stain away with a damp sponge or cloth.

Can cornstarch remove turmeric stains?

Can cornstarch remove turmeric stains

Like baking soda, cornstarch can draw out the turmeric’s oil to the surface, hindering the stains from going deeper into the fabric or setting on the object.

To use it, sprinkle some cornstarch on the bright stain or patch, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, and then, submerge the stained item in a sink with white vinegar solution for 1 hour.

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